🌟model galleries🌟
Social Media Expectations
Social Media Cheatsheet
& Checklist
Being a part of a model team is an experience of a lifetime. From fun shoots to new friends and experiences, AMP models gain memories and confidence. AMP models are also ambassadors for the studio via marketing through social media and chatting up AMP to friends and peers. I've created a guide to help with posting on social media as sometimes in life we just need a guide - I know I do.
❣️what to expect❣️
Share shoots on social media
Talk AMP up to your friends
Be active with volunteer activities
Attend studio open house if schedule permits
Attend the mandatory events and shoots
Use only AMP as your photographer
1 Referral: $25 Target Gift Card
5 Referrals: $50 gift card
10 Referrals: $100 gift card
15 Referrals: $250 gift card
There will be additional contests throughout the year.
**Styled Shoot: 4/2
April: Studio Open House
June 10th: 4th of July Shoot
August: Thrift & Pose
October: Christmas theme (bring parents for a mini family shoot)
December: Mirror balls/New Years
January: Studio Black and White/ VOGUE styled
Feb: Hearts/Valentines
May: EOY Celebration
There will be other pop up shoot opportunities!
👇Your Individual Shoot must be completed by August 2023👇
April: Studio Open House
**September: 30 Day Donation Challenge for Suicide Awareness
**October: Pack shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse
**February: Model Night for Class of 2025
March: Posing for Pets (Details still be finalized)
May: EOY Celebration
I will announce the dates two months prior to each
👇Social Media & Hashtags👇
Please use the following hashtags when sharing.
#ampmodel #team24 #nashvilleseniorphotographer #franklintnseniorphotographer #columbiatnphotographer #classof2024