Session investment

Boutique Portrait Session
These sessions are for families who are requesting a special location or date as well as families who may need a bit longer based on their children's needs.
45 min session
15 hi-res images
Phone & Style Consult
Style & Prep Guides
Order Minimum

The Mini Session
These sessions are perfect for families, teens, tweens and little ones. Most of my work with families is from minis. I love minis. I offer these throughout the year and they are typically themed or have a certain style. Sessions include personality portraits, holidays, get the point.
15-20 min session
3-5 hi-res images
Style & Prep Guides
Option to upgrade
Offered on set dates
20% off Products
Starting from
"Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter."
-Brad Henry