Giving seniors the session of their dreams - you know the session that you have created a pin board for as well as ❤️ every time it pops up on Insta. Maybe you dream of a session that is funky and bold with an editorial vibe or maybe whimsical with a touch of boho. Say you just saw an Influencer have a session in skates in an alley downtown wearing a ballgown....
This all can be pulled off but takes vision, planning and time! I love what I do so let me share with you an outline.
This is the first step! Brainstorm all of the things you love, want to remember, do, sports you play, funny things you do or say...I give my clients a questionnaire but really anyone can brainstorm to come up with elements for their session.
Location is usually the first thing we discuss and usually clients know of atleast one location they want to go. Some places may require a reservation and some may only be available for a certain part of the year. Coordinating the locations is the most difficult part of your session as we are working with a location, lighting, traffic, etc. So first thing is decide where!
Now I have had to choose locations based around wardrobe before. I get it. After COVID a senior wanted to wear her never worn prom gown and I was determined to find the perfect location and I did. It took a bit of scouting around downtown but it turned out perfectly. To this day one of my most liked and requested images. When it comes to wardrobe I always encourage to stick with your style but add some unique pieces. Also I always encourage a variety of outfits - jeans and a tee, a dress, maybe a jacket for variety, a hat. It gives more variety and will make it seem like you had a more over the top session.
Props should be meaningful or have a purpose. With my seniors I often incorporate their favorite flowers or a flower in their fave color. I also like to incorporate instruments they may play, pets (my fave), candy, etc. Just think about things that define who you are right now. One of my faves was a senior who had a bouquet created with the favorite flowers of all the people who have had an impact upon her life. Those will be images to remember.
I can not stress this enough! You don't have to have a professional make up artist but watching some videos on social media can go a long way. I however always encourage one of my make up artist as applying makeup for camera is different than makeup for everyday. You don't want to look back at your senior photos and wonder what they heck. Keep it simple. If using a makeup artist make sure you check out their work before and if they have applied make up to seniors before that's a bonus. Wedding make up and senior photo make up should not look the same.
Tik tok here you come! Instagram too! Just search up posing and practice it. I also tell my own clients to practice before a session! You want to get comfortable with the way you move!

Now I wrap up this plan into a VISION BOARD aka STYLE BOARD to present to my clients. These are a must when I plan a session and for each location I create one and share with my clients.
I hope this helps you create a senior session you will love and always cherish. If interested in more info or questions about booking a session with me just click below and I'll be in touch!
Much ❤️,